
  • Combination of Execuded Foam PU Foam
  • Single Side Quilted Fabric (14)
  • You can customize your MATTRESS

Provides perfect sleep, surface back support and help relieve pressure body.

Available Sizes

Height Sizes in Inches Price Sizes in Inches Price Sizes in Inches Price
4 35 X 72
47 X 72
70 X 72
3200Send Query
4300Send Query
6400Send Query
35 X 75
47 X 75
70 X 75
3300Send Query
4400Send Query
6600Send Query
35 X 78
47 X 78
70 X 78
3450Send Query
4600Send Query
6900Send Query
5 35 X 72
47 X 72
70 X 72
3850Send Query
5200Send Query
7700Send Query
35 X 75
47 X 75
70 X 75
3950Send Query
5400Send Query
7900Send Query
35 X 78
47 X 78
70 X 78
4100Send Query
5600Send Query
8200Send Query

Note: Prices Vary By State.